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April 30, 2015

 How do I “Cell Out”?


    No Cellphones, Cellphone Not


  • GET as many sponsors as possible. They may donate any amount, either by the hour or a flat fee.

    • Hourly sponsor: $1.00/hr @ 7 hours = $7.00 for the day

      • OR

    • Flat fee: $10.00 for the day

  • COLLECT money when sponsors sign up.

  • BRING your “Celling Out” sponsor form and monies collected to Ms. Goodwill no later than Wednesday, 4.13.15.

  • CELL OUT on Thursday, 5.14.15...

    • By 7:25 a.m., Report to the media center and turn in your cell phone, where you personally will seal it in an envelope.

    • Enjoy a day free of distraction while your cell phone has a day at the “Cell Phone Spa”, a.k.a., school safe

    • Pick up your cell phone at 2:00 p.m.

ALL successful “Celling Out” participants will receive proof of completion that can be shown to your sponsors.

** Sponsor Form is attached 


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