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August 28, 2022

Dear West Boylston Families and Staff,

It is with great enthusiasm that I share with you the West Boylston Public Schools 2022-2027 Strategic Plan. In the wake of the pandemic, setting a focused course for the next five years was a major priority. Reflecting on the past two years, it is evident that while the WBPS excels in many areas, there remains a need to devote additional attention to fundamental aspects of our system, most notably curriculum and facilities.

The strategic planning process was facilitated by the Teaching and Learning Alliance (TLA). TLA proceeded to assist the District with the collection of multiple data sources, followed by the selection of a Strategic Planning Committee, a Community Feedback Survey, facilitating four focus group sessions, and five rigorous strategic planning meetings with the full committee. While the completed strategic plan reflects the current perspective and commitment of the 12 committee members, the tasks at hand are positioned to have a lasting impact on the WBPS.

Embedded in this plan are new mission and vision statements, along with new core values and a theory of action. The committee identified four strategic objectives:

  • Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
  • Finance, Capital, and Human Resources
  • Communication
  • Culture and Wellness

The planning committee strongly believes that an enhanced focus on these strategic objectives will lead to improved academic and social emotional learning outcomes for our students. We hope you note improvements along the way!


Richard A. Meagher


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