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May 13, 2022

Project Overview
The West Boylston Public Schools is proactively planning for the future facilities needs of its schools. The identification of the total cost of repairs and upgrades to the existing school buildings is an important piece of this planning process. The current age and condition of each building represents a liability that will need to be addressed if the schools are to remain viable and safe for students. Quantifying the deferred maintenance backlog establishes a baseline of spending priorities that will need to be attended to in order to maintain the schools in acceptable conditions.
In an effort to identify the facilities-related needs of the schools, West Boylston retained Colliers Project Leaders (CPL) to conduct a comprehensive Facilities Conditions Assessment (FCA) of Major Edwards Elementary School and West Boylston Middle/High School. CPL’s FCA findings for Major Edwards are contained in this report.

April 30, 2022

Middle/High School HERE

Major Edwards Elementary HERE


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