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Be the Change Award 2017-18
The Be the Change Award is a component of West Boylston Middle/High School’s commitment to making positive changes in our school community. Recipients embody the principles of the school year theme as demonstrated through interactions with students and staff.
Each quarter the members of the Wellness: Leadership and Advocacy course select one student and one staff member, via a nomination and voting process, to receive the Be the Change award. Honored recipients are members of the West Boylston Middle/High School community who...
Meet the school theme as embodied in the quote for the quarter,
Inspire others to do the same,
Treat others with respect,
Demonstrate personal integrity,
Provide leadership in our school community.
School Theme: 2017-18 ~ Action
1st Quarter Quote:
“Actions prove who someone is; words prove who they wanna be.” ~unknown
1st Quarter Recipients:
Staff: Mrs. Melisa Carter
Student: Ms. Julia O'Connor
2nd Quarter Recipients:
Staff: Mr. Phil Olsen
Student: Ms. Basil Mitchell
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