Here is your monthly update of StuCo happenings!
Thursday, October 9th, there will be an in-school Student Council meeting from 10:30-11:05 in the media center. All staff has already been informed of this meeting. Attendance for StuCo members will be taken there, and all members should go to directly to the media center and do not need to check in with their third block teacher.
The Blood Drive will be held next Thursday, October 16. All students and staff may sign up for a time to donate during high school lunches until October 15. StuCo members will be signing up this Thursday to volunteer during 1 or 2 blocks on the day of the drive. They should notify the teacher of the class they will be missing. Appointment cards will be distributed on Tuesday, the 14th to teachers. Please distribute them to your homeroom students the following day and tell them to hold onto it as a hall pass for the next day.
October 20-24 is Breast Cancer Awareness week. We are encouraging all students and staff to wear pink on October 24 to show your support. Breast Cancer Awareness ribbons will be sold during all lunches that week for $1. They will also be sold at teacher conferences tomorrow night and at sports games this month as well.
The Executive Board of StuCo will be participating in a Massachusetts- wide Student Council event called Officershop, where we learn how to be most effective in our roles. At Officershop we gain skills that will help us be the best student leaders possible in our council, school, and community. Tyler Armey, Natalie Phelps, Ari Muhlidis, Erin Fleming, Abby Colangelo, Lindsay Connor, Emma O'Malley, Monica O'Brien, Caitlin Smith, Diane Peterson, and Matt Cassella will be missing class on Friday, October 17th for this conference at Holy Cross.
**All events and activities have been approved by administration beforehand and were placed on the school calendar. These emails are solely reminders.
Thank you all so much for your support. What an awesome start to the year!
Thanks again,
Natalie Phelps
Student Council Vice President