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October 08, 2014

Greetings from F.I.S.H. and G.U.P.P.I.E.S.


Greetings from F.I.S.H. (Friends Inspiring Student Health) and G.U.P.P.I.E.S. (Great, Uplifting Positive Peers Inspiring Every Student)!!  F.I.S.H. and G.U.P.P.I.E.S. are high school and middle school student run groups with this mission:

Promote healthy lifestyle via keeping physically fit, living substance free, promoting wellness and exploring new adventures. We have a high school group and a middle school group. Each group meets 2-4 times per month.

This blog is open to all staff and students of our West Boylston Middle/ High School Community.  The intention is to post fun, healthy events that any WB Middle/ High School community member can attend.  

Please subscribe to this blog to get updates on events and to post any upcoming activities that promote a healthy lifestyle!

The Link can be found under Students or HERE

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