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Dear West Boylston Families,
Last night I received a call from Chief Minnach regarding a group of parents who were at the station concerned about a threat reportedly made towards three students at school yesterday, and were upset that the school did not provide notification of it. In fact, the school administration had no knowledge of any threat yesterday until a parent emailed administration the Snapchat threat last night. At that point, conversations between administration and the WBPD continued to ensure that both parties had accurate information at hand, and that the reported threat was not made at school.
The threat appears to have been a student Snapchat post from earlier in August. The post, while alarming, contained no specific information related to the date or location. After review, the WBPD deemed the threat as not creditable, although they will maintain a presence over the next few days, which is also customary during the first week of school.
Police were not present at the building on the first day of school (with the exception of assisting with traffic) as school administration had no knowledge of the “summer threat”, or reason to be concerned with “violence” prior to the information being divulged last night. Building administration proceeded to meet with those students involved as they arrived this morning, communicate with their parents and make determinations regarding potential consequences. If there was any possibility of this threat, or any threat being credible, the District would communicate immediately.
The District also believes that it is imperative that the information we share is factual, not reactionary, and that can take some time depending upon the circumstance. There has been a great deal of misinformation circulating regarding this matter. I hope clarification has been provided.
Richard Meagher
1/23/25 9:33 AM