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November 18, 2016


Holiday Giving Project

Dear Families,

It’s the Holiday season and a great time for giving from the heart. For the last 7 years, we have made it a school wide project to donate new winter items to the Department of Children and Families in Worcester County and to families within the town of West Boylston. The response over the years has been overwhelming; with more than 2,000 items collected!

 DCF and local families struggle to supply children with hats, mittens, and scarves. The 5th grade classes will be collecting NEW toys to donate as well. This was a great success last year, so we decided to do it again!

Collecting new items will be a great way for all of us to spread some holiday cheer.  We will be placing decorated boxes in the hallway next to our holiday tree where children may donate new hats, mittens, scarves or a matching set. The items brought in will be hung on our holiday tree in the front hallway of the school for all to see. There are many, many children ranging from infant to teen who will appreciate and benefit from your generosity.   We will be collecting items from, Monday, November 28th- Thursday, December 8th.

Items will first be distributed to families in need in West Boylston and the remaining items will then be dropped off at the Department of Children and Families Worcester and Whitinsville offices. Please think about helping us help the children!


Items needed:              Sizes range from: Infant to Teen


Ear muffs




Neck warmers

5th grade- NEW toys ranging in ages (infant to teen)

Thank you,

Mrs. Widing’s First Grade Class and The Fifth Grade Elves             

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