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August 12, 2013

Dear Parents/ Guardians:

Welcome to Major Edwards Elementary School!  We are excited to begin the 2013-2014 school year. The staff of Major Edwards has been incredibly busy throughout the summer preparing for the upcoming year.  Additionally, I am thrilled to begin my first year as principal in West Boylston.

New staff members at Major Edwards this year include: Caitlin Casamassa (gr. 5 Science/Social Studies), Candice Johanson (Instructional Technology), Natasha Dziokonski (Music), Marion Karsina (Nurse) and Jillian O’Connor (Instructional Assistant).  We are confident that the new staff will have a positive impact on instruction and climate throughout the building.

There will be a “Welcome” breakfast (coffee/doughnuts) for new Major Edwards’ students on Friday, September 13th at 8:25 a.m. in the cafeteria, and a school-wide “Open House” on Thursday, September 19th from 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.  Also, Pam Frechette, President of West Boylston PTA has enclosed a letter regarding upcoming PTA events.

Please visit the West Boylston Public Schools web site at for additional information about the district.  Feel free to contact me at (508)835-4461 or  with any questions or concerns.  We hope everyone has an enjoyable year!

Richard A. Meagher


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