The application period runs from January 15, 2025 through March 31, 2025. Those who submit applications will be entered into a lottery that will be held, pending School Committee approval, on April 1, 2025 at the Central Office.
West Boylston School Public Schools is a school choice school system. Since the inception of the school choice program in Massachusetts in the early 1990's, hundreds of students who live outside of West Boylston have chosen to attend the West Boylston Schools. Parents have many different reasons for deciding to send their children to school in West Boylston. The quality of our academic programs, the relatively small size of our schools and a personalized learning environment are reasons often identified by parents making this decision. A School Choice application must be completed and returned to the Office of the Superintendent in order to be considered for the School Choice program, in West Boylston.
A lottery for admission to the schools will be held in the spring of each year. Students who are not selected through the lottery will be placed on waiting list and contacted should a seat become available at his/her grade level. Each spring the administration assesses the student population at each grade level and makes recommendations to the School Committee as to the number of additional school choice students that can be accommodated for the upcoming year in each grade. Siblings are not guaranteed an opening, although, their application will be given preference. Students accepted under School Choice are entitled to attend the West Boylston Public Schools until high school graduation and do not have to reapply each year.
The Parent/Guardian is responsible for transportation to and from the West Boylston Public Schools.
All existing West Boylston Public Schools’ policies for enrollment will apply to School Choice students including policies on existing or pending disciplinary actions. The School Choice program does not allow for discrimination in the School Choice enrollment process.
For additional information, please contact the Office of the Superintendent, 125 Crescent Street, West Boylston, MA 01583, Telephone 508-835-2917.